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Hello world?

I’ve always loved journals and never really understood the fascination of writing something for the world to read. I used to buy a journal every couple of years but I only wrote a couple entries every couple of weeks and it petered out in a month or so. I’ve found myself in the midst of a crazy (good and bad) amazing time of my life and I’m just looking for someplace to digest it without another journal ending up unused and hand cramps from trying to write to much. Here goes nothing.

Ideally I envision this space as a place to chat about families, weddings, knitting, books (as if I have time to read them) and pre-school. I’m not an expert on any of them, and certainly welcome any opinions you might have to share.

Right off the bat I think the only person I’ll let read this is Bryan. I’ll feel better knowing I’m not getting comments when I know nobody out there is reading it! So I guess right now, I’m not saying hello world, but I am acknowledging your existence. Maybe when the fragility of actually writing out my thoughts, but editing them into something I am ok with anyone reading has grown into something stronger will I share this.

Or maybe this will be my spring board to get myself out there, at least on a topic or two. Really what had inspired me to even see if this is something I’m good at is the various wedding and home blogs, as I’m getting to those stages of my life. I’m such a voracious reader I’ve been tearing through pages after pages of posts and loving every minute of it. If I actually stick with it maybe I’ll open it up for others to read.

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