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Check Lists

I absolutely love checking things off to do lists. Sometimes when I need to extra motivation to get things done I add things to the checklist to really help me get my butt in gear. I’m talking obvious things I already do, like brush teeth, get dressed, check email. Seeing those little check marks get me every time.
I’m at the stage in wedding planning where I’m checking off a lot of little details and that feels great. But it’s crazy how much I waffle on a decision, even something simple. Choosing a cake flavor was hard. Especially because at the tasting the bakery guy is sitting right there. I can’t exactly be completely honest to Bryan about this flavor is dry when the salesman was sitting right there! Thankfully though by this point in our relationship we can read between the lines. And we didn’t chose the flavor that we agreed was dry, or the flavor that seemed a bit out there. We chose something simple and I really don’t care. However it turns out on the wedding day I’m sure it will be fine. It is ok I’m a bit apathetic? I guess it stems from not even being a big cake eater.
Don’t get me started on the other little time eating details, like choosing stamps. My parents used the love stamp from the year they got married when they sent out their invitations. And I somehow got it in my head I’d use them too, but when I saw the new stamp, I hated it. Red is so not me and it looks like a Valentines stamp. It took a quick browse but I found one I liked. Im ready for the little details to be over and done with. I am getting pretty tired of the checklist! No more adding silly things to my list to feel accomplished! Plenty of silly things are already there.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. You will get everything done! It seems like you are very organized with your lists and all. 🙂 All the little details seem so important right now but on the actual day, you won’t really care what flavor cake you chose! Best of luck!


    January 23, 2012
  2. sailboatmiss #

    Oh, I guess my post wasn’t as clear as I thought it was…i’m actually quite apathetic about a lot of the details and feel as though they are silly as it is.


    January 25, 2012

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