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Posts tagged ‘apartment hunting’

Letting it Go:

Many of you have heard either via this blog, or via Facebook that we are moving into our new house within the month. And to prepare for moving out we have to not only keep our rental house in a landlord/prospective renter state, we(I) have decided enough is enough and we need to let some stuff go. After all, we didn’t like seeing junk laying around when we were out house-hunting, and no potential renters are going to want to see that either! Namely a large collection of boxes of childhood things that Bry has kept for years, hasn’t looked at them ages. These were boxes that were haphazardly packed by the movers (dumped everything in unceremoniously with little thought to actually fitting as much as possible in the boxes) and filled with who knows what.

So two nights ago we descended into the dark poorly lit basement to give some semblance of order to the ‘office’ space down there as well as get rid of things that we junk. A tally of some sort would have probably been entertaining, but suffice it to say that we threw away over 25 non-working pens, boxes that old cellphones, external hard drives, and other electronics came in. We re-sorted things into the desk drawers (which are really file cabinets handed down to us by my parents) and carried out a large moving box that I could have fit into sitting down filled to the brim with old papers, and junk.

Next we tackled the rest of the basement putting like with like and while the basement is not finished, and as Bryan says, is allowed to look like storage, it doesn’t give me heart palpitations from knowing that there is a lot of stuff we just need to let go off and have a clean slate.

It wasn’t all trash though we came up with 4 boxes of things that we could donate (granted most of it we had sorted earlier), things like really cheap college leftovers: random assortments of kitchen supplies, some old books, and even our closets were pared down.

We certainly didn’t make a big enough dent that we wouldn’t need a U-haul to move, but at least we don’t have the knowledge that there are some boxes we haven’t even looked at since we moved and who knows what we are hauling around.

Trust me, it feels great to let it go, even if it means you spent 3 hours in a poorly lit, spidery basement. Have you made a run to your local thrift store to donate recently? Or start small, gone through your pens/markers/highlighters? I bet there are some duds.


That’s a Wrap!

I’ve been told I’m neglecting you all. Sad to say I have, the last I mentioned housing in CT, Bryan and I had finished up a crazy weekend (March 17-18th! wow a long time ago) filled with apartment hunting and checking out some of the sights. All of this was thanks to a college friend of ours who let us crash for the weekend. He gave his opinion and was a lot of fun to have our ‘tour guide’ drive around with us.

Of course I mentioned what we were looking for, and that we had seen a house in a good location. This was the house with the pink tile in the bathroom. When we stopped by to see the place we were all (college friend included) struck by the landlord. Something about his looks, but definitely his humor has made him forever dubbed ‘Tim Allen’. For example: while seeing the basement I noticed the washer/dryer. Having gotten mixed up with which place came with what appliances (I’m not that organized after all) I asked if they came with. *Tim Allen completely straight faced said, “well, I don’t know, do you wash your clothes?” Such dry humor totally belonged on Home Improvement.

Now, the one down-side to this place was that it was currently on the market. They had been trying to sell it, so we had to wait to see if it would sell, or we would be approved to rent it. We felt resolved that we would wait to find out, and were happy to drive back to PA, already thinking of the cedar shake house as ‘our house’.

We waited a week, when good old *Timmy called us back and said he and his family would be glad to have us rent the house! We were and are still, so excited about this house.

Unfortunately, all of the photos I have of it that would give credit to the source also list it’s address (as they are real estate listings) so if you are interested, you will just have to wait for a photo tour once we get the keys!

*Tim Allen is a fake name. 🙂

I promise I’m not falling off the wagon

Life’s been crazy. It’s been almost a month since I last wrote. I apologize.

Let’s rewind to February and I’ll catch you up.

Feb 1- Mr. Sailboat applied for a job.

Feb 9- Mr. Sailboat was called, asking him to come up for an interview.

Feb 24-Mr. Sailboat was inside the company from 7-2. He was interviewing from 10-1. He thought it went well, and we were satisfied with that.

Feb 29- An offer was made.

We were moving to ct! Let the apartment hunting begin! We had a long list of things that would be nice to have. Ideally, a single family home. 2-3 bedrooms. clean. washer/dryer. short commute. close to beach. 2 bathrooms, or at least 1.5. decent storage in the kitchen. parking for the sailboat. affordable.

obviously it will be hard to find everything on that list and still be affordable. it’s even harder to find a place when we are 4 hours away, and are relying solely on craigslist (bit scary) trulia, and zillow. We can’t just drive by to see if it’s worth it. Instead we get to send lots of emails, inquiring and waiting until we can manage to make it up there to see for ourselves. No worries though, I’m sure we will find something 🙂 in spite of so many emails going unanswered.

There have been a lot of other distractions in the last couple weeks as well. Second dress fitting! Surprise Bridal shower thrown by my future MIL. That was fun, and thankfully I got all the thank yous out. More on that later.

While I still have distractions like apartment hunting, I’m back to blogging.

Have any tips on finding your newlywed place?