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Is moving ever fun? The process of packing, canceling services and transporting all of your possessions is not in fact fun. However the chance for new adventures, new experiences, and a fresh start are in a way, fun.

Bryan has been home a couple weekends in the last month and we’ve been busy carting van-load after van-load from my parents house, to his parents house, doing our best to pack everything as tight as possible to do the smallest amount of loads possible. For you see, this week the movers come to pack up all of our earthly belongings and begin the drive to CT.

When Bryan first called me about the potential to interview for the job in CT I know he had reservations. Most of them were either of moving, or leaving his current place behind. Looking back, he is glad God has blessed us with this opportunity to expand and move on, especially since CT was on our list of ‘someday we will move here places’.

Wrapping up life in PA wasn’t that bad for Bry. He borrowed his parents van and moved one load at a time over three weekends. Then there were several loads from my house to his parents. But thankfully the movers will take over from here. Sure, he still has to call the electric company in CT, the internet service provider, and the gas provider. But this surprising blessing of relocation being paid for was more than we ever expected. Especially in this financial climate. I find it so cool when God chooses to answer prayer requests in a bigger and better way than I’ve ever imagined. It really highlights how awesome He is, and how much our lives would miss out on if we only get what we asked for instead of what He answers with. And I don’t just mean in the prayers he says yes to. I can think of multiple occasions where prayers were answered no, but out of the pain and anguish of loss God’s greater plan was revealed, through a beauty and change you’d never have expected.

Boy, that got pretty far off the track of moving, but thanks for bearing with me. Any prayers that have been answered in a totally different way than what you were asking?

Bridal Shower Survival Guide

I’d known for months my bridesmaids were throwing me a Bridal Shower on March 24th. I was already so very excited to see all of their hard work manifested in a shower, and as I was getting ready I got the call from *Tim Allen that we were approved as renters for the New England house we really like I practically went over the moon!

So many lovely ladies on ‘my side’ came out. I had mom’s family, dad’s family, church ladies and some friends. The girls threw me a tea party! The decorations were beautiful and very thoughtfully done. There were 5 tea sandwiches, pasta and fruit salads, chicken salad that was divine, and other yummy munchies I’m forgetting since I took my grand time writing this post. The food was delicious. The cake was adorable and had the invitations design piped on the front, there were also scones, cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries. Needless to say, I think everyone that came was stuffed!

I know this is only my second shower, so really, what do I know. But in my experience they are almost overwhelming. In a good way of course, but still over whelming! Here is what I’ve learned:

1) As the bride you want to personally greet and thank each person for coming. (At least in my case there were a lot of people to say hi to!)

2)You want to eat (but really who has the time?).

3) Then there are presents. Almost as many presents as people at the shower (some people do go in together which means you may have a few less). I wouldn’t think you need to be told to open the card first and make eye contact with the person who gave it to you, but people like giving gifts, or at least like to see you excited about what they got you (even if you did pick it out) so make a point of telling them you are opening you gift. After you open it say thank you and smile with it.

4)Smile. It is inevitable that funny faces will be captured on camera, because people are taking pictures the entire time you open it seems, but if you can remember to smile after each present is opened (and for several seconds) you have a chance that the unflattering picture of you talking while holding up the present will be deleted. It’s rare but it did cut down on funny pics after my second shower.

5) Skirt length. You have two choices. Wear something that shows off your legs, or wear something that covers a bit more. The nice thing about wearing something that goes past your knees is it makes present opening a lot easier, but both times I opted to wear knee-length or shorter skirts so I also had to keep leg positioning in mind.

6) Thank yous. It is my personal opinion that your guest went out of their way to go buy you a gift (even if it is from your registry). They also wrapped (or had it wrapped) then they either shipped it to you, or came to your shower/wedding/graduation party/what have you. They deserve a hand-written thoughtful thank you. Not a typed card, not a self-addressed envelope at the shower, and not a form letter where you just change the type of gift. You ought to thank them for coming/mailing the present. Tell them you like it. Tell them where you will use it. Express a personal connection (it was good to see you in church on Sunday/I look forward to seeing you at the wedding) and then thank them again. I have heard the argument that brides have a lot to do and we should cut them some slack, but really, who doesn’t? Most women today run a house, have a job, and schlep their kids from event to event. Ah, one last thing: they should be sent out in a reasonable amount of time.

Disclaimer: I’m not Emily Post. Your methods may vary when it comes to any or all of my ‘survival points’. That’s fine. These are just my, and my etiquette book’s opinion.

Back to my shower: The shower was at my church, and my cousin’s E, J, and S got there early to decorate and make it look so gorgeous! They had teapots of flowers on every table, a wedding dress balloon and two heart balloons tied to my chair, and wedding bells and poms, and lanterns hanging from the shades on the windows. It was so bright and cheery in there. I felt so loved by the three of them. E did a great job choosing the decorations, and even though J and S aren’t bridesmaids they did so much to make it pretty and so special for me.

Bridesmaid R planned the games, and got the prizes together. Her games were cute and not embarrassing, so I owe her one for that. No wads of bubblegum in my mouth! 🙂 In addition, she also hosted a little dessert bash for my bachelorette the night before, (no full post needed: dinner out with some great friends, dessert and presents that will remain under wraps! 😉 ) Bridesmaid N couldn’t make it due to work (boooooo) but she still sent a pretty tea infuser favor to send the ladies home with! Bridesmaid S was way far away and also couldn’t make it, but she chipped in to make it lovely as well. And MOH S? She handled a bulk of the food with help of GM M’s girlfriend C. (Brother of groom/groomsman)

I left feeling overwhelmed with love and fellowship from women that have all had a role in my life in some way. I felt so infinitely blessed and so very excited to celebrate with them all again in two months time at the wedding!

That’s a Wrap!

I’ve been told I’m neglecting you all. Sad to say I have, the last I mentioned housing in CT, Bryan and I had finished up a crazy weekend (March 17-18th! wow a long time ago) filled with apartment hunting and checking out some of the sights. All of this was thanks to a college friend of ours who let us crash for the weekend. He gave his opinion and was a lot of fun to have our ‘tour guide’ drive around with us.

Of course I mentioned what we were looking for, and that we had seen a house in a good location. This was the house with the pink tile in the bathroom. When we stopped by to see the place we were all (college friend included) struck by the landlord. Something about his looks, but definitely his humor has made him forever dubbed ‘Tim Allen’. For example: while seeing the basement I noticed the washer/dryer. Having gotten mixed up with which place came with what appliances (I’m not that organized after all) I asked if they came with. *Tim Allen completely straight faced said, “well, I don’t know, do you wash your clothes?” Such dry humor totally belonged on Home Improvement.

Now, the one down-side to this place was that it was currently on the market. They had been trying to sell it, so we had to wait to see if it would sell, or we would be approved to rent it. We felt resolved that we would wait to find out, and were happy to drive back to PA, already thinking of the cedar shake house as ‘our house’.

We waited a week, when good old *Timmy called us back and said he and his family would be glad to have us rent the house! We were and are still, so excited about this house.

Unfortunately, all of the photos I have of it that would give credit to the source also list it’s address (as they are real estate listings) so if you are interested, you will just have to wait for a photo tour once we get the keys!

*Tim Allen is a fake name. 🙂

Challenge: Pray Boldly

Today I attended Bryan’s parents church while he was home for the weekend (the second to last time he comes home before the wedding!). The message was about praying and praying bold prayers. Rather than ‘Dear Lord, please give me a good day.’ we were encouraged to pick big, bold things, things that would be impossible to us. Sure, you can argue that having a ‘good day’ isn’t entirely in your control. But what about having the chance to witness to someone? change your workplace? allow yourself to see a negative situation in a positive light?or as Evan from Evan Almighty prayed to ‘change the world’?

Currently I struggle with maintaining my sunny disposition in the face of a new work week. Sunday comes and I feel the pressure bearing down. In spite of only having two weeks left at my job I still find it so hard to go to work when many of the people are downtrodden and discouraged, plodding through the weeks slowly and wearily. I don’t want to be like that.

At a past job I was nicknamed ‘Sunshine’ because I never stopped smiling. My name references the brightening of one’s day. But I’m struggling. And I’ve been trying too hard on my own to make the smiles come and let the hard things roll of my back. It’s impossible for me at this point. So here is my bold prayer.

‘Lord, please reawaken in me my optimism, and my cheerful heart. Let these last weeks be good because I shine light for you, not because of the circumstances that go on around me. Allow me to leave with my head held high knowing I’ve honored you in my actions and words, and please make these past 9 months worth it for your benefit. Rejuvenate me as only you can.  Amen.’

How can you pray boldly?