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Posts tagged ‘money’

November Updates

Short sweet and to the point (I wish, more happened than I thought this month, how does 2000+ words sound?!). Slight recap, slight update. Slight amount of photos. Apologies in advance.

On visitors: Bryan’s parents came to visit this past weekend and we had a blast. Momma T and I hung out (after I worked on Saturday) while Bry and his dad trimmed out that window we replaced back in August. Yup. All those months ago this window has been bare, but there is finally a ready-to-finish inside. You know like caulk, spackle and paint. Wohoo. Maybe this winter we will actually do something with the office/library/study. Plus they took us out for a post birthday dinner which was a nice treat. Visits never last long enough, but they are so enjoyed.

New window installed:photo 3

Progress with the trim:


I love how this picture shows the nice wiggles in the walls that come with old houses. Just to show how little we have done with this space…that turquoise blue swatch on the wall? It was where one of the electric heaters used to be…we never filled the holes, painted, or got rid of the wiring. At least we have those wire nuts on the ends. Safety first and all. Unfortunately or fortunately this room is way down the totem pole in terms of importance. Sanity, inspiration, and budgets all need to be in line first. More on budgets later.

On trees: You know that last post I wrote, about how excited I was that the big tree behind our house was coming down? Well I should have probably waited to write until they were finished with their work. The tree didn’t come down, just the three massive branches that overhung our roof. So, while the tree is still there the big cantilever over our house is gone and with it the weight that would pull it on top of our house should it decide to fall, so that is a subconscious burden removed. As an added bonus no more squirrels can fall down the chimney so there won’t be a third animal in the house any time soon.

photo 5

On productivity: When Bryan and I were looking for a house last summer/early fall we had quite a few things on a list of ‘wants’. We wanted somewhere I could set up my art stuff without it being in the way every time we had people over, on display in the front room like our apartment, or in some dark grungy place like the warehouse in college. We also wanted a house that had a bedroom for us, one for guests (since we live 4 hours from home) and one for the probable, eventual child we may have one day. That eventual child room could easily be an art studio for now so we were looking for an affordable 3 bedroom house with a garage and air-conditioning somewhere in the zip code we were already renting. The commute was short for both of us and the proximity to the water and amenities were great.

When we finally decided to walk through this house (the one we bought) we were impressed. The photos did it no justice (not that it was all the great to look at anyways) and the layout is quirky, but there was not only a dedicated room for us, guests, and future possible baby, there was a fourth smaller room for an art studio. Hooray for that!Especially because if/when there is a little Bryan running around I can still have my paints.

photo 3

Of course the set-up for the art studio was minimal to start. Other living spaces and guest rooms were way more important. But finally, about a month ago we realized we’d done most of the spaces in the house enough to live with for a while but the art studio wasn’t a fun place to be. The window shutters were painted over a million times, the walls were a weird woven textured wallboard, to paint in the mornings (when I’d usually paint) meant taping up a curtain over the bottom half of the window to block the blinding sun, and it just looked pretty darn ghetto.

So I needed to remedy that, but I knew fixing it up alone wouldn’t really help the problem. Since I currently work normal hours part-time as well as two evenings a week and Saturdays until 2 I wasn’t really going to want to spend time that both of us were home up in my studio alone unless Bryan had something to do as well. By productive I don’t mean housework or yard work, I mean tinkering around with tools, aquariums, or electronics.

So Monday last week I went down to the basement to look around. There were 8 large wooden sliding doors closing up an awkward to use closet and the furnace /water heater closet. I ripped those down to open it up, and make the shelving in the closet more functional. This had the added bonus of making the room seem larger, about 5 feet of space is now visible, plus the large doors. Something could be done with those large doors.

Bryan has since worked his magic on four of them. Two became a double-tiered work bench under the window in the basement, perfect for large tool storage and a nice workspace. One became a Murphy bed type work bench coming straight out of the awkward closet to give more table space. One was moved upstairs and placed on top of the old dresser that was left behind in the house that holds a lot of my art supplies. And with that simple re-purpose of things we already had around the house Bryan has a really functional warm and toasty workspace, and I have a much less prison like, smaller studio upstairs. Perfect division of assets for our two very messy pursuits.

My textured wall board in the art studio is the perfect surface to pin things to, since it’s an art studio and rather than replace it with nice drywall, I might as well get some real use out of it. The carpet, though very very clean isn’t that pretty and would be replaced before we would use the room for anything else anyways, so I can paint in there not worrying about the occasional drip. The addition of a large palm plant (saving it from getting dug into by the cats) adds so much needed life up there, and the relocation of my computer from the office/library/den means I’m motivated to get up there and use the space.

So without further ado the ‘reveal’ of our two work spaces. Just in a brief snapshot each since they are literally works in progress, and hold works in progress. (That nifty white cord running along the ceiling of Bryan’s workspace is the clothes line. He’s got classy digs down there.)

basement workshop


On Goals: You may not be aware of this, but Bry and I are in a race to pay off our (his) college loans as soon as possible. Payoff started in November of 2011 when we were engaged and Bryan was living out in Waynesboro, PA. The loans at that time were around 54,000.00.  That winter he lived in an apartment with the heat barely on because he was manly. I think he mostly lived on chili and salad. (relatively cheap and healthy!) He certainly could have had the heat on higher, I know his mom and I both encouraged him, but he was saving up some money so we could go on a honeymoon, and he was determined. He was paying more than the minimum on the loans because he didn’t want to be stuck with them forever and that same payment slightly higher than minimum continued into our first months of marriage.

Not long into being married were we mentally over renting. So we started looking for a house, and bought this one. That winter, rather than living in a 55 degree apartment we turned the heat up (I’m not manly). Still while making payments on the loans, though we cut back to the minimum due since we really had no clue what the budget would need to be to cover house expenses.

The house came along, and with it a new budget. Within a few months the money we had for repairs around the house would be spent on improvements like new sliding doors, updating some out of code electrical, new hot water heater, furnace repair, new paint, furniture, lighting fixtures, new wood floor, etc. Rather than stop fixing things I elected to get a second job to bring in a little more income (both jobs together were less than 40 hours so don’t think I was overworking myself).

Around June, four months into home ownership we had finished all of those big major things and were down to smaller projects. That’s when we decided a financial change was in order. Rather than keeping on with the improvements to the house at light-speed we would instead do one small project a month (Plus we were out of concrete ideas we wanted to do for sure) and everything we had left over we would dump into college loans. Bryan had loans to three different organizations, and 9 loans together (4, 4, and 1). To more accurately tell what we actually had available to dump we switched from putting everything on the debit card to a credit card with awesome rewards. Paid off in full each month we know exactly what money we need to have on hand a full month in advance, all the more easy to dump exactly what we can afford.

We have a budget worked out until December of 2014. All known bills and expenses are taken out, along with designated fun money we can each spend on absolutely anything without feeling guilty that it isn’t going to the loans. In a spin-off of Dave Ramsey we are doing a debt snowball. But rather than tackling the loans from smallest monetary amount to largest, we are tackling the highest interest to low-interest loans. So far we are down several loans and should be completely out of all debt but the mortgage by November 2014. That’s not accounting for any pay raises, or a tax refund. It’s very exciting to think that a year from now all we owe would be the house.

It isn’t fun to click the loan pay-off button each month and know that money that could be spent on other more fun things is getting used for something practical, but it is fun to watch the numbers in red go down. Watching the numbers in red go down is almost fun enough to keep pushing that button. We have ways to go. But there are ways of keeping on. We have a huge carrot dangling in front of our nose, and that is a trip abroad that will happen once we’ve paid the loans off. The cherry on top? All of the expenses we’ve been putting on the credit card each month will cover the flights. And that will just be even sweeter.

The whipped cream on the cherry? Bryan just got promoted last week. We had just mentioned to our small group we were lookng for guidance about my second job. The hours were unfortunate when compared to when Bryan was home and we needed to reevaluate. The very next day Bryan was given a promotion and raise that balanced out what I had been making at the second job. So I gave my notice effective the end of the year, and will be back to one job. We are both much happier about this new change, and my boss at the second job is thankful for the notice. A win all the way around.

You may be thinking ‘but wait, you are aiming to pay off debts sooner wouldn’t it make sense to keep the second job?” Technically it does make better financial sense to keep it. We could pay the loans off three weeks sooner if I kept the job. But would 11 months of 14 hours a week be worth those three earlier weeks? Not really. The amount on interest at that point would only be on a loan with 2.5% interest and our time together is much more valuable than that.

So in an insane amount of words you have been fully caught up on things going on around here. More things are coming though, like I’ve actually been very busy in my studio and have several pieces in a show that opens this weekend, Christmas presents are being bought and worked on. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I’m so excited for family time and delicious food. What’s going on with you? I apologized if my word explosion has caught you off guard!

I’m so thankful for God’s provision and blessing in my life. The good friends and support system I haven’t left behind just because I live four hours away, the awesome family that has multiplied by two since our wedding and of course Bryan. What are you thankful for today?

Disclaimer: What has/is working for us is not a guide for others. I am not a financial planner nor do I play one on tv. Before you decide to put anything on a credit card be sure you have the ability to pay it off and not get sucked into debt.


I have been looking for a new job for the last 4 months. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job at Studio 33, but I wish I had more hours. I know my boss would have me full time if her budget allowed, but the way it stands now she can’t.

I see jobs for full time work and apply, but then get worried about the transition of going from a job I really love to something I might not like and it’s a bit terrifying. I haven’t had man jobs I absolutely love, and we don’t need me to work full time so I just leave it. But even then I’m not completely satisfied because I want to contribute more.

Of course I am a bit picky. Since we don’t need it I certainly don’t want to get suckered into a job that will have me working nights or weekends, and if possible I still wanted to be able to keep my job at Studio 33. My boss Sara has become a friend as well, and she really needs me for the few hours I do work.

Needless to say I have passed over a lot of a available jobs. But many I think are interesting aren’t available for me. I don’t have a ton of experience in things, basically teaching (of which I really don’t feel led to do, nor are there many jobs available), graphic design (but my college Ed and post college jobs have been only in print based marketing when many companies are looking for web design as well), marketing (but no degree or experience other then my art background), and administrative assistant of which I have approximately one year of experience.
Jobs in retail or food service don’t often give the hours I’m looking for, and if I’m going to make the commitment to another job it would be nice if the pay was decent.

I’m totally making it easy for myself right? Haha. Well yesterday after a relatively lazy morning I checked an online job board and saw a posting for a layout designer for a small bi-weekly area newspaper. The position needed experience with InDesign and Photoshop (check), Excel (check) and social media marketing a plus (check).
Excited and nervous but I knew I actually found a job where I fit all the requirements. The lady and I clicked right off the bat when she broke the ice asking why someone in Philadelphia was applying for her paper. I replied I couldn’t give up my cell and she laughed. I told her briefly about my experience (a summer job my recruiter cousin hooked me up with in college was more than enough to get me the job).
She asked me to come in so we could chat. I made it there on time, even though she didn’t give me an address, just directions that I typed into my computer which mysteriously got deleted. We clicked and she asked if I could start today. Seriously. It was a whirlwind few hours from seeing the posting to walking back in my door.

The best part is she doesn’t need me full time and my schedule is something we will figure out today. So I can definitely keep my job at Studio 33 and if this new job doesn’t work out I still have a job. Who knows I might end up working more than 40 hours between the two jobs and that really would be a jump in what I bring into the house.

So if you think about it today I could use some prayers. I haven’t worked with InDesign in a year and a half, though I spent a few hours brushing up last night. I pray we hit it off as well as my current boss and I do, and that Bryan and I still get everything done around here that we need to. But God provides and I had a peace about it all. So I’m sure it’ll be just fine.

But seriously what is it with me going from seeing the posting/asking about the potential of a job to employed in less than 6 hours? It’s a good kind of nuts.

Saving Money a Crazy Way

If you are new to crazyamazinglife, you don’t know that my husband and I recently relocated from Pennsylvania to Connecticut, also known as the land of the taxes. Really, this state will tax you on just about anything. We realized that to transfer our registration, and licenses over to CT would cost about $400 dollars up front (registration tax, license transfer fee, etc) and $400 dollars annually (give or take some for taxes on your vehicle each year). Also, Bry’s work recently transferred 100 people from their one location to the other and now the location Bry works has a parking lot at capacity, but the transfers aren’t over, another 100 people are coming in next week. What’s that mean for Bry? Either he needs to A) get in earlier to get a spot, B) get there when the lot is full, drive 20 minutes to the other location and wait for a shuttle (thereby being late to work), or C) buy a scooter. He would never consider being late, so he decided to go for the scooter.

Those of you who are Facebook friends may have seen the photo of the scooter last week. The scooter is a TaoTao50. It’s small, under 50cc which means it’s street legal without registration or a license plate. You do need to be 16+ and have a driver’s license. He convinced me (ok i wanted to learn but was nervous) to drive and I loved it! Perfect for tooling back and forth to work, and to run errands! In fact I fit a shirt, and jacket I’d bought for Bry, some veggies I bought at a farm stand, mail to buy postage for, several grocery items, my purse, and a comfy pair of flip flops in the seat. Basically, so much stuff I needed two trips to carry it inside! Did i mention I loved it?

This area really is perfect for this sort of travel too, pretty populated, and we are very centrally located. I can legal ride in the bike path, no more parallel parking downtown, and 100 miles to the gallon. We wear helmets, the scooter doesn’t go above 25, and we only take it on secondary roads. The savings on gas alone would justify the cost of the scooter and not paying taxes on it was just a crazy big bonus. So what did I do? Start searching for my own.

In fact we are even going to sell my car (it doesn’t do well in the snow anyways). Snow! Now you are wondering what this crazy person is going to do when it snows. Well, my walk to work is 20 minutes. I timed it in the heat of a 90 degree day. Brutal. Anyways, I have several pairs of sturdy boots, and plenty of warm layers (hello knits!) and I have practice walking that far from when I lived in England. At least for now, while we are two people in our twenties this is perfect for us. And the resale value is great, so no problems there, should a third person appear. Of course, I didn’t want the sporty, manly(is that possible?) looking scooter  that Bryan has (I think so), so I started searching Craigslist.

At first I thought I wanted a Vespa like scooter, and the same company that made Bryan’s scooter sells those style’s as well, in fact we were all set to get a blue one tomorrow when I saw the perfect listing. It was a 1982 Suzuki FA50. Yellow (fave color)! Mint Condition. Sat in a basement for a lot of the past 30 years. The seller brought it by Tuesday night and it ran like a dream. It’s the perfect blend of cute and vintage and I loved it. The price was better than right and included delivery. Of course, mint is relative in running machines. It needed the carburetor to be cleaned and, ever the engineer, Bry needed to tinker around with it for a couple hours before he’d let me take it to work (and before I’d comfortably ride it on the road, but it runs perfectly and I’m so excited. My boss saw this scooter yesterday (it’s technically a noped. No pedals, and basically a bike frame) and started talking about getting one. It’s that perfect in an area like this, and she is 65!

Anyone need a car? 🙂 Selling a 2005 Chevy Cobalt, 2 door. 53,000 miles. In August it will make it’s way back to PA via my parents and will be sold. I’ll be sad to see it go, but it’s time. Good bye Silver Bunny. We had some good times.

Anything ‘crazy’ you’ve done? Because this is crazyamazinglife and we scoot to work now 🙂